On 19 March 2021, the Cross-Party Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation launched the findings of its 2020-2021 inquiry into Sexual Exploitation Advertising websites.
Sexual Exploitation Advertising websites are websites dedicated solely or partly to advertising individuals for prostitution. The inquiry was launched in response to growing concerns about the role these websites play in facilitating sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in Scotland.
The purpose of the inquiry was to establish what role Sexual Exploitation Advertising websites currently play in facilitating sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in Scotland - and to identify what action the Scottish Government should take in response.
The Cross-Party Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation works to end commercial sexual exploitation in Scotland. We conduct research, undertake inquiries and develop public policy recommendations. The Cross-Party Group is co-chaired by Ruth Maguire MSP and Rhoda Grant MSP.
We support the Scottish Government’s strategy to eradicate violence against women – Equally Safe – which recognises prostitution, pornography, lap dancing and trafficking as commercial sexual exploitation and forms of violence against women.

Cross-Party Group
on Commercial Sexual Exploitation